Friday, July 29, 2011

Bob Chapman : Do not buy a Home , Rent

Bob Chapman - A Marines disquisition - 28TH JULY 2011

Bob Chapman : over the next 6 years about 10.8 million homes will be at risk of default is terrible do not buy a home rent , US has a great problem in real estate, Canada will follow us to some degree...they want to destroy people on social security and use the money to start new wars , they want to ger rid of the elderly and the so called 'useless eaters' ....people will be dying like flies , so get ready either fight them or let them kill you says Bob Chapman .....

1 comment:

  1. US has a great problem in real estate, Canada will follow us to some degree...they want to destroy people on social security and use the money to start new wars , they want to ger rid of the elderly and the so called 'useless eaters
    home interior decorating
