Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading 28 June 2010

Bob Chapman on the international forecaster of 26 june 2010 :"The foregoing events lead us to other manifestations of trouble, real trouble. For the past four years all currencies have fallen versus gold and silver. The US dollar has been falling for 11 years versus gold and silver. What gold is telling you is that the US, UK and European financial systems are on the way to collapse. The cover-up cannot go on and all the players know that. They are all living in the theater of the absurd. What politicians in all these countries are doing is what they are being told to do. If they do not do what they are told they will never hold public office or be a bureaucrat again. If what they do is serious enough they will be liquidated. What is happening financially, fiscally and monetarily is unnatural. There is absolutely no way the system can be fixed. If these politicians and their handlers believe this they are doomed. They have pulled this hundreds of times and each time they have been unsuccessful. This time will be a disaster for the Illuminists due to the Internet and talk radio. This time they will escape nothing. We live in a decadent, immoral financial system that has to fall. In this sort of environment only gold and silver can protect your assets."

Mr. Robert Chapman also known as The International      Forecaster  is a 74 years old. He was born in Boston, MA and attended      Northeastern  University majoring in business management. He spent   three    years in  the U. S. Army Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe.   He   speaks  German  and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived   in   Europe for  six  years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year   in   Canada and a  year  in the Bahamas.

Mr.  Chapman became a stockbroker in   1960   and  retired in 1988. For 18 of  those years he owned his own    brokerage  firm.  He was probably the  largest gold and silver    stockbroker in the  world  during that period.  When he retired he had    over 6,000 clients.
Bob  Chapman : you got to remove  these  people from  the    government
Starting in 1967   Mr. Chapman began    writing  articles on business, finance, economics  and  politics having    been  printed and reprinted over the years in over  200  publications.    He owned  and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had   30,000    subscribers. He  currently is owner and editor of The   International    Forecaster, a  compendium of information on business,   finance,    economics and social and  political issues worldwide, which   reaches    10,000 investors and brokers  monthly directly, and parts of his      publication are picked up by 60  different websites weekly exposing    his   ideas to over 10 million  investors a week.

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