Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ron Paul 2012 or Bust

Bob Chapman - Dr. Deagle Nutrimedical Report - 12-28-2011 Bob Chapman of the International forecaster discusses with Dr Deagle of the Nutrimedical Report about the current event the Ron Paul GOP race and the possibility of him wining being the only candidate that can liberate us from the bondage of the banking cartels and wall street gangs and the city of London and so on , Bob Chapman also talks about how the precious metals markets are manipulated and many other issues

Friday, December 30, 2011

Bob Chapman : Ron Paul is the Real Change

Bob Chapman like every Friday is back on the Alex Jones show he talks about the Ron Paul candidacy and how he is our last hope for the real change that America and the Americans need , and how main stream media is trying its best in order to destroy Ron Paul's campaign , Bob Chapman continues talking about other current political and economic issues

Bob Chapman - Kerry Lutz - December 29, 2011

Bob Chapman - Kerry Lutz - December 29, 2011 , those who are manipulating the gold and silver markets will lose , long term investment they make things cheap for you , so do not lose heart , this is one of the biggest attacks that I have ever seen says Bob Chapman

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bob Chapman on How to survive NDAA Martial Laws

Bob Chapman talking in details about the new NDAA bill and how if we do not elect Ron Paul we are all toast , this bill allows government to pick up any American citizen for any reason and incarceration you in internment camps or in Guantanamo where you will be tortured until you admit you did what they suspected you of doing

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bob Chapman - Dr. Deagle Nutrimedical Report - 12-28-2011

Bob Chapman - Dr. Deagle Nutrimedical Report - 12-28-2011 Bob Chapman of the International forecaster discusses with Dr Deagle of the Nutrimedical Report about the current event the Ron Paul GOP race and the possibility of him wining being the only candidate that can liberate us from the bondage of the banking cartels and wall street gangs and the city of London and so on , Bob Chapman also talks about how the precious metals markets are manipulated and many other issues

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold & Silver Trading - 28 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 28 Dec 2011 this is the biggest attack on gold I have ever seen says Bob Chapman hopefully it will hold at these levels , but Bob Chapman who just bought gold recently announces that he will buy more again , nobody really knows where gold is going from here all you have to do is keep on buying you sure are doing the right thing one day or the other all this paper manipulation will have to end , follow Bob Chapman's advice BUY Gold and Silver and hold them for the long term

Bob Chapman - National Intel Report - December 27, 2011

Bob Chapman - The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2011.12.27Vincent Finelli, host of RBN’s, and Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster One presidential candidate is proposing defensive tactics against the N.W.O. financial assault. The extremist threat-list classifications cover varying degrees of the awake, who pose a problem to the coming system of control. Several options have been proposed, or are now being proposed, to combat the attempts of the elite to subvert the sovereignty of the nations of the world.Organizations and individuals who attempt to expose the truth about currencies, inflation, and metals as money are targeted for silencing by globalist corporate interests. Problems with the dollar are connected to Chinese actions in the global market, and particularly the Yen/Yuan interaction. The dollar is losing its attraction across the world, while market manipulation seeks to subvert the inevitable.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bob Chapman - USAprepares Radio Show - December 27, 2011

Bob Chapman - USAprepares Radio Show - December 27, 2011 . Bob Chapman talks today about the dire debt situation in Europe , and how the 17 members of the eurozone who most of them are short of money have decided to change things , the Euro and the Eurozone will not probably survive the 2012 as they will be again in trouble in 6 to 8 months says Bob Chapman then there are the elections in Greece , Europe incidentally is the biggest export market for China and absorbs 25 percent roughly of the American exports so any slowdown in Europe will direly affect the rest of the world's economy

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold & Silver Trading - 23 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold & Silver Trading - 23 Dec 2011 , Bob Chapman today talks about the stock market and why it is up again ,some crazy laws coming from Italy where they are limiting people from using cash to under one thousand Euros , and how the only solution left for America and the world for that matter is electing Ron Paul in the 2012 presidential again , if you do not elect Ron Paul expect to be picked up from the streets and sent to FEMA Camps or Guantanamo , Ron Paul is our last chance for freedom in America and in the world .... there is no other answer through the system says Bob Chapman ....

Friday, December 23, 2011

Bob Chapman on the Alex Jones Show - 23 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman on the Alex Jones Show - 23 Dec 2011 : the FED creates money out of thin air and it digitally gives it to the European Central Bank , all these bailouts is extending the problem not fixing it trying to figure out what to do in a year term says Bob Chapman .....

Bob Chapman - The Sovereign Economist - 23 December 2011

Bob Chapman - The Sovereign Economist - 23 December 2011 , the media is controlled by wall-street banking and they do what they want to do there is nothing you can do about it until you take them out of power and that's why we should elect Ron Paul this coming November , if you do not elect Ron Paul you will be very very unhappy ....

Bob Chapman - USAprepares Radio Show - December 20, 2011

Bob Chapman - USAprepares Radio Show - December 20, 2011 : we should elect Ron Paul because he is going to get rid of this free trade outsourcing and off shoring that is destroying America's manufacturing capacity , we have unemployment problems in America, besides he will get rid of the federal reserve says Bob Chapman ....

Bob Chapman Gloomy Outlook for Europe in 2012

Bob Chapman on Freedom Files Podcast 22 December 2011 : Europe may witness several drop outs during 2012 says Bob Chapman , the failures could be 6 to 8 but they eventually could break away with just 8 or 9 members to create another union their own way says Bob Chapman ,

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bob Chapman : the banks are already into QE3 they are buying toxic waste

Bob Chapman - Talk to Solomon - 12.20.11 : the treasury department has thousands of people all around the world that are manipulating the markets every day , you can see them doing it everyday says Bob Chapman , the banks are already into QE3 they are buying toxic waste and incidentally you are responsible for it but they won't tell you about it , those toxic wastes contain mortgages....

1/2 Bob Chapman - Talk to Solomon - 12.20.11 from Conservative Political Network on Vimeo.

Bob Chapman - Pastor Butch Paugh - Dec. 21, 2011

Bob Chapman says that he always had the feeling that North Korea was secretly playing bull with the United States Government it's a conglomerate of countries on a conglomeration of problems says Bob Chapman , regarding the USA we have lost 12 million jobs in 12 years because of this off shoring outsourcing and free trades going on

Bob Chapman : America should elect Ron Paul

Bob Chapman : we should elect Ron Paul. Ron Paul IS a true Republican...a libertarian who wants to revive the true position of the Republican party to return it to Constitutional roots. Anyone who says he ISN'T just doesn't listen.BUSH was the "fake" Republican! Ron Paul rose above all the media bias even though the media tried their hardest to suppress himRon Paul should be winning on integrity alone.the world is catching on to what Ron Paul stands for and this man is the best thing that could ever happen to America Vote Ron Paul 2012Ron Paul's currently 2nd in New Hampshire and 3rd in South Carolina. A win in Iowa could give him the boost he needs to take 1st in New Hampshire. A win in Iowa AND New Hampshire could be the boost he needs to take 1st in SC. Winning in SC sets him up to win Florida. If he wins Florida, there'll be no stopping him.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold & Silver Trading - 21 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold & Silver Trading - 21 Dec 2011 , there is no way out for the European Union they are stuck they have no other options and the only they can do is print more money they are just playing for time , and there is only war it looks like they are getting ready to have one in the middle east says Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 3rd hour - 19 December 2011

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 3rd hour - 19 December 2011 Bob Chapman gives his outlook about the American economy for 2012 , his insights about the world events the debt crisis in the euro-zone , the destabilization of the middle east the recent death of the north Korean leader and its implication on the world peace...and many other issues

Bob Chapman - Greece Debt is Fictitious

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 2nd hour - 19 December 2011 , Bob Chapman says that he hopes the Greeks just walk away from their debts as no real money was ever involved in the creation of that fictitious debt , it was all fictitious money created with data entries into computer hard drives , the EU should let Greece and other PIIGS countries default and go back to their national currencies , the same with the banks let them all collapse

Bob Chapman - The ratio of the GDP to debt in the US is out of balance

Bob Chapman - The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2011.12.20 with Guest Host: Vincent Finelli, host of RBN’s, welcomes Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.comThe ratio of the GDP to debt in the US is out of balance. Reparations are not feasible, and retirement funds are tied up in 401(k) programs.The Communist Manifesto is almost fully implemented. Gold and silver trades among banks are convoluted, and used to suppress prices

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bob Chapman - Liberty Round Table - December 19, 2011

Bob Chapman - LibertyRoundTable - December 19, 2011 : Bob Chapman talks about the floods in southern Philippines , Ron Paul GOP nominations and how you should absolutely contribute to his campaign , bob also talks about current events the situation in north Korea the debt crisis in Europe and obviously the gold and silver market forecast

Monday, December 19, 2011

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold & Silver Trading - 19 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold & Silver Trading - 19 Dec 2011 : Bob Chapman talks today about what's happening in the markets the gold market continuing manipulation the Euro crisis and the probably break-up of the eurozone , and on the political and world events situations he speaks about the death of the North Korean leader and its possible implications on world peace and stability in Asia and in the world

Bob Chapman on North Korean Leader Death

Bob Chapman - James Corbett Interview - Dec. 19, 2011 : International affairs expert Bob Chapman elaborate on the sudden death this morning of the leader of North Korea Kim Jong-il , a country that is one of the latest bastions of communism in the world and which lives in great poverty especially compared to the relatively wealthy south

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lagu Baru Ayu Ting Ting - Video Ayu Ting Ting

Penyanyi dangdut pendatang baru Ayu Ting ting yang melejit lewat tembang lagu Alamat Palsu kembali menghadirkan sebuah album baru atau lebih tepatnya single yang berjudul Sik Asik. Judul lagu ini seperti mengingatkan kita dengan sebuah idiom khas Ayu yang sering menyebutkan kata tersebut dibeberapa kesempatan saat ia di wawancarai. Album baru Ayu Ting ting ini akan dibuat dengan sebuah video klip yang digarap secara apik dan terasa lebih modern jika dibandingkan dengan video klip terdahulunya. Banyak nama terkenal yang terlibat dalam pengerjaan single Sik Asik tersebut

Dalam album barunya ini, Ayu akan tampil dengan busana yang lumayan seksi dengan memperlihatkan pahanya dengan lebih terbuka. Gaya busana ini seperti mengingatkan kita pada beberapa artis Korea yang tergabung kedalam girl band atau penyanyi solo. Hal tersebut wajar karena dara cantik ini memang mengagumi penyanyi Korea dan atribut yang dimilikinya seakan ingin mengadopsinya kedalam dunia dangdut. Akhirnya memang tercipta nuansa baru ketika kita melihat aksi panggung Ayu yang tidak terasa kental seperti penyanyi dangdut kebanyakan yang telah kita kenal sebelumnya

Ketika ditanya mengenai apakah ia optimis lagu Sik Asyik akan mengulang sukses seperti alamat palsu ? Artis yang dikabarkan kini dekat dengan Raffi Ahmad tersebut langsung mengiyakan dan berpendapat bahwa lagu ini telah dipersiapkan secara matang dan sangat berbeda dengan lagu sebelumnya. Alasan tersebut tepat karena dalam pengerjaan video klip dilakukan oleh sutradara yang juga menggarap video Agnes Monica yang berjudul Paralyzed. Sedangkan musisi yang terlibat diantaranya adalah Aku (J-Rocks), Gilang Prass (drummer band The Velocity), Felicia Lisardi (model, pemain sinetron/FTV, host) dan Dikna Faradiba (model, pemain sinetron/FTV)

Alamat Pet Shop Di Surabaya

Bagi anda yang berada di Surabaya dan memiliki binatang peliharaan kesayangan, berikut alamat Pet Shop Di Surabaya yang menawarkan berbagai macam kebutuhan untuk hewan peliharaan. Disana anda bisa membeli makanan anjing, aksesoris hewan lain bahkan diperjualbelikan hewan lucu yang anda sukai. Salah seorang teman pernah juga menitipkan anjing kintamani peliharaannya ketika ia melakukan perjalanan ke luar kota karena di Pet Shop Surabaya terdapat jasa penitipan hewan dengan perawatan dan pemeliharaan yang baik.

Alamat Pet Shop di Surabaya ini tersebar dibeberapa tempat, jadi bagi anda yang berada di kawasan Surabaya Pusat, Timur, Barat, Utara dan selatan bisa memilih Pet Shop mana yang paling terjangkau dari tempat kediaman anda. Dapatkan pula konsultasi dan tips dari penjual yang mungkin bisa menambah wawasan anda dalam memelihara hewan kesayangan. Silahkan berkunjung atau menghubungi no telp yang tertera untuk mendapatkan manfaat dari setiap Pet Shop dibawah ini

Golden Petshop
Jl. Nginden Intan Raya 15 Surabaya
Telp: 031-5931950

Reptiles Center
Jl. Mulyosari 71-A, Surabaya
Telp: 031-70535000

Santa Petshop
Jl HR. Muhammad No. 360 Surabaya
Telp: 031 732 9447
Jam buka: 10.00 – 20.00 Wib

Puppies Pet Shop
Jl.Kutai No.64, Surabaya
Tel. +62-31-5610908
Fax. +62-31-5676084

Beauty Pet and Groowing salon
Jl. Ruko Klampis Jaya No. 88 Surabaya Timur
Jam buka: 07.00 – 20.00 Wib

Animal Planet
Ruko Taman Gapura J No. 10
Jl. G-Walk Citraland, Surabaya Barat
Telp. 031 70909070
Jam buka : Senin – Sabtu 08.00 – 20.00 Wib

Aneka Satwa
Jl. Darmo Permai Utara I No. 36, Sukomanunggal Surabaya Barat
Telp. (031) 7317822, 0818504179
Jam buka : Senin – Sabtu 08.00 – 20.00 Wib

Bob Chapman - Erskine Overnight - December 17, 2011

Bob Chapman - Erskine Overnight - December 17, 2011 , Marine Lepen has good chances to become the next French president , this will send a shock wave throughout Europe as not only she wants France to get out of the Euro and return to the french Franc she wants France to leave the the European Union altogether and abolish the Schengen Treaty and reestablish border controls around France , this is start a return to nationalisms all around Europe , France being located at the heart of Europe and also being one of the major contributor and founder of the European union , we can only imagine what could happen next

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bob Chapman - Kerry Lutz - December 14, 2011

Bob Chapman on the Kerry Lutze Report - 14 Dec 2011 : "of all the people that I know and they are thousands none of them is a seller all of them are buyers " says Bob Chapman and that what you should do buy as much physical gold and silver that you can put your hands on , take advantage of this nice Christmas discount .....

Bob Chapman on The Alex Jones show - 16 Dec 2011

The U S Government is under control by an Evil faction of criminals and traitors.Bob Chapman says that Marine Lepen has a good shot at the coming french presidential elections and in case she got elected as the next french president this will send a bomb shell to the whole EU project cause she wants France out of not only the Euro but out of the European Union all together , also the majority of the German people wants Germany out of the Euro

Friday, December 16, 2011

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold & Silver Trading - 16 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold & Silver Trading - 16 Dec 2011 , you got to help Ron Paul win these elections says Bob Chapman he is our only hope , cause if he does not win we are all doomed , regarding Gold and Silver Bob Chapman expects gold to shoot up next week after this nice discount that the US Government together with the bank of England and the IMF offered us

Bob Chapman - The Sovereign Economist - 15 December 2011

Bob Chapman : what the United states government and the bank of England and the IMF are doing they are trying to suppress gold and silver market and commodities and they are trying to keep the stock market up because there terrible news out there , we may very well have a war pending , there is no question that there are going to be wars may be one may be several

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Vote Ron Paul or kiss your freedom Goodby

Bob Chapman on Freedom Files JB - 15 December 2011 : "you are saving yourself by electing Ron Paul because if he is not elected you can kiss it goodby " says Bob Chapman , Bob Chapman beside supporting the candidacy of Ron Paul in America he fully support the candidacy of marine LePen in France the daughter of Jean Marie LePen a friend of Bob Chapman and the founder of the far right party "Le front National"

Bob Chapman Precious Metals Panic Report - 14 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman on the Kerry Lutze Report - 14 Dec 2011 : "of all the people that I know and they are thousands none of them is a seller all of them are buyers " says Bob Chapman and that what you should do buy as much physical gold and silver that you can put your hands on , take advantage of this nice Christmas discount .....

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

If Ron Paul is not elected , get ready for the Fema Camps

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold & Silver Trading - 14 Dec 2011 , your support level is $1538 to $1550 that will be tested tomorrow , Bob Chapman announces that he will be a major buyer tomorrow , and that what you all should do do not panic just buy more as much as you can , buy that what you should do this is a big psychological warfare going on says Bob Chapman ....

The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2011.12.13

John Stadtmiller of The National Intel Report discusses with Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster the following topics and much more : The Presidential race is degenerating for the establishment candidates. EU bailout debates are stalling amidst legal issues, while the French are also facing a big election.Sections 1031, 1032 of S 1867 - concerning indefinite detention - seem to be confused and obfuscated on purpose.Don't forget about market manipulation -- the Chinese are buying gold.

Bob Chapman - Talk to Solomon - 12.06.11

Bob Chapman - Talk to Solomon - 12.06.11 , Bob explains that the government recent jobs figures are bogus and that the jobs created are mostly in services not productive kind of jobs like in the industry , the government officials lie about everything

1/2 Bob Chapman - Talk to Solomon - 12.06.11 from Conservative Political Network on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 3rd Hour - 12 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 3rd Hour - 12 Dec 2011 if you do not elect Ron Paul , immediately after the elections they will start collecting people warns Bob Chapman , they will start arresting alternative radio hosts and the people who are vocal on the internet against the government actions ....

Frankfurt wants to take over the City of London as the center of Criminal Finance

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty - 12 Dec 2011 : Germany wants a 1 percent transaction tax on the London stock exchange and in the City of London , the City of London which is a privately run small place in the heart of London , they alone create 40 percent of the jobs in southern England

Monday, December 12, 2011

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 12 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 12 Dec 2011 : Europe is still in trouble , and they are not solving the debt crisis and they are not even taking back the sovereignty of the 17 countries that has been taken over , the gold price dropping is caused by the simultaneous selling by the federal reserve the treasury and the IMF

Bob Chapman - James Corbett Interview - Dec. 10, 2011

James Corbett reviews his past interviews with the legendary Bob Chapman of the International forecaster , Bob speaks about how he was hired as a counter intelligence agent how he was one of the largest gold and silver broker for over 30 years and a lot more ...

Bob Chapman - Blogtalk Radio - December 9, 2011

Bob Chapman on Lets Get Real With Reuben Torres 09 December 2011 : Germany is ostensibly pushing for the European stability mechanism , is a way of striping the 17 countries from their fiscal sovereignty ...stress tests show that most of the banks in Europe are in serious trouble if not broke ,

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bob Chapman : the commodity market contract is not worth the paper it is written on

Bob Chapman interviewed by SGTbull07 this Dec 10, 2011 about the MF Global and what happened to Gerald Celente who lost a six figure amount of money in an MF global account "people have to understand that the rules for the commodity market are much different than they are for stocks and the stock market , the commodity market gives you a contract that it is not worth the paper it is written on " says Bob Chapman and the commodity company in this case MF Global can change the rules anytime they feel like it Bob explains

Bob Chapman on The Alex Jones show - 09 December 2011

 The mortgage question is a good one. If you are smart and buy gold, silver, guns and food now, then if hyperinflation hits and assuming you still have a job and they have to pay you a crazy salary like $50,000 a month, just to get you to show up to work, then you could pay off your mortgage very quickly, assuming you are prepared and don't need to use that $50000 a month to buy gas and food, which will be insanely expensive. Those that are prepared will keep their homes.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 09 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman : The US government , the Bank of England and the IMF were selling gold into the market at the same time trying to drive the price down , that's why the gold is weak this week

Bob Chapman - Talk to Solomon - 12.06.11

Bob Chapman gives his insights about the latest european debt crisis , the want to have a climate tax , most of the jobs created in the US are minimum wage services jobs , and the numbers are bogus the government and the federal reserve lie about everything .....

1/2 Bob Chapman - Talk to Solomon - 12.06.11 from Conservative Political Network on Vimeo.

2/2 Bob Chapman - Talk to Solomon - 12.06.11 from Conservative Political Network on Vimeo.

Bob Chapman - QE3 in America first quarter of 2012

Bob Chapman - The Sovereign Economist - 08 Dec 2011 : The US through the FED is going to bailout Europe , 65 percent of the Germans do not want to be amalgamated with the rest of the Europeans and they do not want to pay for the easy lives of the southern europeans and pick up their bills , but their politicians are not listening

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bob Chapman - Gold & Silver to outperform by at least five times Gold & Silver bullion coins

Bob Chapman - Aroostook Watchmen Program - Dec 7, 2011 : Bob Chapman explains how Pearl Harbor was all a set up by the same people who financed World war II , there an excellent chance says Bob Chapman that Gold and Silver shares will outperform by at least a factor of five Gold and Silver bullion coins ,

The EU is an extension of the Dream of Adolf Hitler

Bob Chapman - Freedom Files - 08 December 2011: the EU nations will lose their sovereignty one at a time , it is an unnatural association of people and it is going to work , it did not work for Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini and it is not going to work today .....

Bob Chapman : they want everybody on Debit Cards

Bob Chapman - Liberty Round Table - December 5, 2011 , they are trying to get rid of credit cards and replace them with debit cards it is part of a forced austerity , they want everybody on a debit card which is another austerity measure that cauts back on the exposure of the banking in that area so they can use their positions to gamble with ....

100 Rayuan Gombal Lucu Dari Raja Gombal

Ayo bergombal ria dengan kumpulan rayuan gombal dari raja gombal yang paling populer saat ini. Kalimat dan kata kata tersebut tercipta dari apa saja yang ditemui. Anda pun sebenarnya bisa menciptakan ribuan kata gombal hingga membuat lawan jenis anda tersipu malu dengan pipinya yang semakin merona namun tetap nyaman dengan ucapan anda layaknya sms cinta yang membabi buta. Dan yang terpenting dalam mencptakan sebuah kata gombal yang mematikan adalah tidak vulgar dan tetap menempatkan sesuai dengan porsinya

Rayuan gombal lucu kini memang sedang tren di media. Adalah seorang Andre Taulani dkk yang tergabung kedalam OVJ dikenal sangat lihai dalam memikat hati wanita dengan apa yang dikatakannya. Ditambah lagi dengan sebuah acara yang bertajuk Raja Gombal di televisi yang semakin membuat perbendaharaan kata gombal menjadi semakin menumpuk. Karena itulah jika anda ingin melihat beberapa kalimat baru dari rayuan gombal, berikut beberapa petikannya khusus untuk anda

Cowok : Kamu punya peta nggak?
Cewek : Peta apa?
Cowok : Peta hatimu. Karena aku tersesat dan tak bisa keluar dari hatimu.

cowo : boleh pinjem hp nya ga?
Cewe : buat apaan?
Cowo : buat telp Tuhan,mau laporan klo malaikatnya lagi ngelayap dsini...

Kalo aku dapet semen gratis, aku akan bangun istana cinta kita di hatimu

Aku beliin kamu kacamata hitam ya?biar tatapanmu tak menghantuiku tiap saat

Cowok : Aku didiagnosa Sakit jantung.
Cewek : Hah! Kok bisa?
Cowok : Iya. Jantungku selalu berdegup kencang bila dekat denganmu.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bob Chapman - Timothy Geithner is in Europe to give them marching orders

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 07 Dec 2011 Timothy Geithner is in Europe to give them marching orders , there is at least for the time being an exodus of the players from the COMEX , you have no protection whatsoever , buy what suitable for you and do not believe everything you hear from sone wannabe experts says Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman - Get your money out of the Banks

Bob Chapman - The National Intel Report 2011.12.06 : Get your money out of the Banks , there are bankruns going on in Greece and Italy Bob Chapman explains people finally started listening to his recommendations he was advising people for years

Bob Chapman : the elite want an arab country to attack Iran

Bob Chapman Interview Global Freedom Report 11/21/11 : there is a great possibility of a war against Iran , they are also probably waiting to see if they can get some of these Arab nations to go after one another and that would mean perhaps some of them taking aim at Iran themselves , so i do not think at the current time that there going to be an invasion , this is has been going on so long years , they are going to go in they are going to do that everybody has been wrong says Bob Chapman , and so we just don't know it's an open question he added that only those in the inside can really answer ....

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Europe is Collapsing

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 3rd Hour - 05 Dec 2011 : in Europe the bureaucrats the technocrats and the politicians they do not want another war and they want to sacrifice their freedom by amalgamating in such groups such as the European Union and the Eurozone

Move towards a Fascist America

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty - 05 Dec 2011: the financial debt crisis is being superseded and what they are doing is having the FED come in and feed money into the European central bank , Greece Portugal Ireland and Italy never should have been admitted into the Eurozone they never qualified now they might be forced to leave .....

Bob Chapman - James Corbett Interview - Dec. 5, 2011

Bob Chapman they are groups that work together to bring about chaos change of government , suppression of people and as we found out in these later years containment of population , if you read the documents by these different organizations like the CFR Council on Foreign Relations the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberger |Group and the Illuminati you'll find out that they want to get rid of 60 to 80 percent of the people on the face of the earth ....

Bob Chapman Red Alert Dec 2011

Bob Chapman : explains and talks about the new the Indefinite Detention Bill , everybody should be horrified by the Senate’s passage of legislation that would allow for indefinite detention of Americans.We are losing our constitutional rights of American citizens by the day , you have to speak out and protest , anybody now could be picked up as a terrorist and incarcerated for ever ......

Bob Chapman : Freedom Files Podcast 12/1/2011

Bob Chapman : the FED will spend 800 billion dollars nearly a trillion buying garbage , the will purchase bonds and agency treasuries then you have the problem of Greece and italy , they are 4 trillion dollars short .....

Monday, December 5, 2011

Bob Chapman : I would not spend 5 cents in Real Estate today

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 05 Dec 2011 : I would not spend 5 cents in anything in Real Estate today ...the only safe place to be is gold and silver related assets and that's the end of it .....

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Toni Blank Show

Namanya memang unik buat yang hanya melihat sekilas, namun coba anda dengarkan kata perkata dari seorang pria yang dijuluki Toni Blank ini. Anda pasti akan mengernyitkan dahi, kesal, bahkan tertawa terpingkal-pingkal. Namun adalah sebuah media di Jogja bernama X-Code dengan sengaja membuat sebuah acara yang diberi nama Toni Blank Show yang secara khusus menampilkan wawancara serta penjelasan dari seorang pria yang diduga mengidap schizophrenia yang merupakan suatu kondisi kekacauan jiwa serius yang ditandai dengan kehilangan kontak pada kenyataan (psikosis), halusinasi, pikiran abnormal, dan mengganggu fungsi sosial. Dari mulut pria tersebut kita akan banyak mendengar kalimat bijak tentang segala sesuatu yang terjadi disekitar kita. Maka jadilah seperti yang kita tahu sekarang Toni Blank Show

Kita juga tidak akan percaya jika ternaya di Youtube terdapat banyak sekali episode Toni Blank show yang telah dimuat disana. Kita bisa melihat related video di media share terbesar tersebut. Dengan jumlah view yang mencapai ribuan, maka tidak mungkin Toni Blank akan lebih cepat dikenal hingga bisa menembus layar kaca sebagai bintang tamu diberbagai acara televisi. Nama Toni Blank show sendiri diambil karena penjelasan serta pencerahan dari pria yang sebenarnya dianggap tidak pernah nyambung dengan kaum awam kebanyakan. Dengan dandanan yang ala kadarnya namun menunjukkan keseriusan, justru memancing senyum dan tawa dari orang yang mendengarnya. Tentu kita bisa membayangkan jika pria ini di wawancarai oleh tukul di bukan 4 mata atau menjadi bintang tamu diacara OVJ. Pasti akan tercipta guyonan segar dari para pelawak dan Toni Blank sendiri

Untuk yang penasaran bagaimana kalimat aneh yang diucapkan oleh Toni Blank, berikut cuplikan salah satu videonya yang ada di Youtube

Bob Chapman - The FED to bailout Europe with printed out of thin air paper money

Bob Chapman  - RealNewsRadio - December 3,2011  : the European elite are making another effort in order to extend the problem into the future , what happens is the US federal Reserve has stepped in together with other central banks such as the bank of Japan and the Bank of Canada The Swiss national Bank and the Bank of England those are all sub-refuge all the money is going to come from the FED and they are going to print it will be like a QE an increase in money and credit and it is not going to solve anything except to give them time .....

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bob Chapman on Where to Expatriate

Bob Chapman gives his recommendation on the best places and countries where Americans or other westerners can consider as a good destination for expats , Bob Chapman is an expat himself he lives in an undisclosed locations in the middle of the jungle , Belgium is a no no destination , some good places are Costa Rica , Mexico Chile says Bob Chapman , new Zealand for those who want to go to an english speaking country together with Canada and Australia although citizens from these latest two countries are themselves running away looking for better shores .....

Bob Chapman : QE3 has been under way for the last month or so

Bob Chapman - A Marines Disquisition - December 1, 2011 QE3 has been under way for the last month or so but the are not going to tell you about that they lie about everything , the people that want the New World Order are going to use this crisis to take the sovereignty from the European countries and they will bring them all under a One World Government

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 02 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman : they are trying desperately to prevent Gold from breaking through $1800/oz next week this is what's all about , and it's not going to work .....all of the Wall Street all the banking all your whole life financially is controlled by the Illuminati , ...people got to understand that commodities are not securities and that the contracts that people sign into in the commodity market are totally different , in the commodity market you do not have no protection whatsoever from the CME , and the COMEX which is owned by them , and so they do what they want ,

Friday, December 2, 2011

Bob Chapman - The Alex Jones Show 02 Dec 2011

Bob Chapman believes that the MF Global debacle was government run , Corzine was told what to do he could not be that suicidal on his own he is a professional on the bond market he knew what he was doing , he was told to buy the bonds of the insolvents European countries and that what he did and when he run out of money they told him loot the account do what you got to do to come up with the money , Bob adds that Corzine is not going to go to jail he might get fined and that will be the end of it

Bob Chapman : if Ron Paul is not elected you better get out if you can

Bob Chapman - Sovereign Economist - November 30, 2011 : the politicians do not tell the people what's going on they only show them the propaganda , this is not a free country anymore ,and if you question the government you are a terrorist .... , if Ron Paul is not elected you better get out if you can because it is not going to be nice .....

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Bob Chapman - Kerry Lutz - 01 Dec 2011

01 Dec 2011 - Bob Chapman on The Kerry Lutz Report to talk about the global economic outlook the European debt crisis , gold and silver markets outlook  ,The Chinese economic slowdown and much more  : the banks all over the world are broke the whole system is coming down says Bob Chapman and this is good because that's the key of the control for the elitists , if they do not have the banking system that they control now what they are going to do ? they cannot control anybody says Bob Chapman ....

Bob Chapman - The FED started QE3 - The Power Hour - Nov 28, 2011

Bob Chapman - The Power Hour - November 28, 2011 : six weeks ago in this program I broke the information that QE3 was going to start in the next couple of months and how are they going to do it , the federal Reserve is going to create more money and credit and and zip over to brokerage firms and and the banks and insurance companies and buy a bunch of bonds which contain mortgages that are practically worthless ....

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 30 Nov 2011

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 30 Nov 2011 : they are having a big problem keeping the gold prices down that means higher prices tomorrow , so if you have to do any buying this is a good time to do it ,...this is not QE3 , the QE3 will come later on under another name but they already started it ....

Bob Chapman : The Collapse of the Financial System is the best thing that could happen

Bob Chapman - The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2011.11.29 :they created a monster in Europe and the bottom line is that 6 countries are bankrupt and nobody has any money to bail them out , they are all in debt to their eyes balls , the game is over it is just a matter of time , and it is a good thing that the entire world financial system is collapsing this is the best thing that could happen why ? because the seed of power the key to what the illuminus are doing behind the scenes is very simple they own the entire world banking structure and if it collapses we can take it away from them says Bob Chapman of the International forecaster

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 3rd Hour - 28 Nov 2011

Bob Chapman - there is a bank run in Europe , people are getting their money out of the banks , says Bob Chapman , the Euro breakup will cause unpredictable effects , the IMF 800 billion dollars loan will not solve the problem not even close

Bob Chapman : Europe will either collapse or go to Hyperinflation

Bob Chapman Radio Liberty 28 November 2011 : Europe has one only way out and that is to follow the Austrian school of economics principals , austerity is a dead end Europe will either collapse or go to Hyperinflation says Bob Chapman ....

Bob Chapman : The FED started QE3

Bob Chapman - James Corbett Interview - Nov. 28, 2011 : there is rumors that the FED is going to purchase toxic garbage from the banks , it is about 547 billion ...they will probably decide to let the 6 insolvent countries go bankrupt and go back to their own currencies , the whole financial and banking system is going down and this is very important because that is the core of how the Illuminati control the world it's through the banking system , they simply have a license to steal and control we have to take that from them and ban them from the banking system......

Monday, November 28, 2011

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival 28 Nov 2011

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival 28 Nov 2011 : 6 trillion are needed to bailout Europe , the Chinese economy is slowing down , the American GDP growth figures are really doubtful , nobody knows what's the government is doing , we live in an upside down world .....fraking is causing massive damages and earthquakes

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gambar Unik dan Menarik

Ada berbagai gambar unik yang bisa kita hasilkan dari sebuah kamera. Foto tersebut bisa tercipta dari daya imajinasi atau lewat kejadian unik yang ada disekitar kita. Tidak berbeda dengan seorang fotografer yang bernama Natsumi Hayashi dalam menghasilkan gambar unik dan menarik yang bisa kita lihat bersama dibawah ini. Ia menciptakan sebuah gambar seorang wanita yang nampak melayang dalam melakukan aktifitas. Gambar unik ini memerlukan sebuah kesabaran karena kabarnya sang fotografer harus melakukan pengambilan foto sebanyak 300 kali demi menciptakan sebuah gambar yang unik. Tentunya ini adalah sebuah teknik fotografi yang bisa membuat decak kagum bagi mereka yang melihat. Foto unik dan menarik ini mengundang perhatian banyak orang yang penasaran dengan semua gambar yang telah dihasilkan oleh Natsumi Hayashi

Dari semua gambar yang bisa kita lihat bersama ini memang nampak sangat alami kesan melayang yang ingin di tonjolkan. Tidak ada kesan ini adalah sebuah video lucu dan lompatan saat pengambilan gambar. Mimik muka, rambut ataupun keadaan sekitar sangat mendukung bahwa model memang memiliki kemampuan untuk melayang. Jika anda penasaran dengan gambar unik dan menarik ini, silahkan untuk memperhatikannya dibawah ini

Kartu Ucapan Tahun Baru Masehi

Yang sudah mulai memasuki tahun yang baru, pasti sudah mempersiapkan berbagai acara untuk menyambut harapan dan cita cita yang baru juga. Namun jangan lupakan untuk tetap saling mengucapkan selamat tahun baru bagi teman, sahabat ataupun orang tua dimanapun kita berada. Kartu ucapan tahun baru ini bisa mewakili keinginan tersebut jika kita sedang berada jauh dari mereka. Hal seperti halnya kartu ucapan imlek, kita bisa mengirim kartu tersebut lewat pos, MMS ataupun bisa kita kirimkan lewat dinding fb. Itu semua memberikan tanda bahwa ada perhatian untuk orang2 yang ada disekeliling kita. Bermacam kartu ucapan tahun baru masehi baik yang berbahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa Inggris ini disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan kita sekaligus memberikan inspirasi jika kita ingin membuatnya sendiri.

Untuk yang suka mendesain kartu ucapan, maka kesempatan buat anda untuk mengirimkan karya anda kepada mereka yang anda sayangi. Kartu tersebut bisa mewakili kita semua jika tidak sempat untuk bertemu dengan mereka. Namun jika anda tidak sempat untuk membuat sendiri, berikut beberapa model kartu ucapan selamat tahun baru yang bisa kita gunakan. Silahkan untuk mencopy dan mengirimkannya kepada orang2 yang anda sayangi

Untuk anda yang punya kreasi kartu yang lain, silahkan untuk mengirimkannya lewat kotak komentar yang tersedia

Bob Chapman : NATO Ready to Invade Syria

Bob Chapman on Dr. Deagle Show 23 Nov. 2011 : The NATO is Ready to Invade Syria so that they will have a launching pad there to do things in the Middle East , and invade Iran , it's the same patent they used in Libya ...this is the time to buy Gold not to sell it , the German government cannot sell 35 percent of their own 10 years bonds

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bob Chapman - The Sovereign Economist - November 23, 2011

Bob Chapman : there is no solution for the economic problems in Europe , the situation is not improving it is getting worse , we are going to have climbing inflation climbing unemployment you have to ensure yourself , if you have more money after you purchased dehydrated food and water filters buy gold and silver coins bullion and shares says Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster ....

Friday, November 25, 2011

Bob Chapman On The Alex Jones Show 25 Nov 2011

Bob Chapman : The Europeans are stuck , they created a monster an unnatural association that it is not working ....US Government is probably involved with the MF Global scandal ....

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Super Committee is like a Politburo

Bob Chapman - Talk to Solomon - 11.22.11 : Bob Chapman explains that the super committee is an effort to by pass the congress it is history repeating itself , this is like 1933 with national socialist party in Germany better knows as Nazis that allowed Adold Hitler to become a dictator and of course you have the Politburo in Soviet Russia which was the same throughout history they tried to pull this which is an effort to bypass congress duly elected , by 12 emissaries this is very very dangerous , I think it's great they did not come up to a conclusion says the international forecaster Bob Chapman , may be they were not supposed to , the cuts that are going to make are minimum they are insulting , the way we should handle this is what Ron Paul is asking for , let's cut all these departments cut back a trillion dollar a year not just a trillion dollar over ten years

1/2 Bob Chapman - Talk to Solomon - 11.22.11 from Conservative Political Network on Vimeo.

2/2 Bob Chapman - Talk to Solomon - 11.22.11 from Conservative Political Network on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival - 23 Nov 2011

Bob Chapman says that Jim rogers is anti gold not pro gold , nobody could really say if these countries Germany France Italy have any gold at all , they are lying all the time about their real gold holdings says the International forecaster Bob Chapman , Corzine and Duffy are arch-criminals and nobody is exposing them except Gerald Celente ....

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bob Chapman The Banks in Europe & in the US are broke

Bob Chapman - The National Intel Report - 2011.11.22

Bob Chapman The International Forecaster with Robby Noel to talk about MF Global Fallout Continues, Illuminati Perpetrators Walk Free, Bioweapons Are Deployed , the Gold marke, t forecast , Around Christmas Europe is in vacation says Bob Chapman nothing is going to get done in this period of time forget about it and the IMF knows it , The IMF is just kicking the can down the road , it is absolutely impossible to save these countries (The PIIGS nation) says the International forecaster

Germany have lost its sovereignty to International Bodies

Bob Chapman on Radio Liberty 3rd Hour - 21 Nov 2011 explains that Germany will give up its sovereignty to international bodies ,the elite will never lose the opportunity of a crisis to pass their agenda the Euro will continue to deteriorate , The PIIGS nations will accept the diktat from the bureaucrats in Brussels , out of chaos here comes the NWO Bob Chapman and Dr. Stan explain , Europe is under the bankers and the bureaucrats occupation the Europeans have lost their sovereignty they can no more decide their fiscal policies just like the Americans with the Federal Reserve .....

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty - 21 Nov 2011

Bob Chapman - this occupy thing is well planned it was all financed by people like George Soros , their goal is to create violence that the government could declare Martial Law

Bob Chapman : 4 to 6 trillion dollars are needed to bailout the Eurozone

Bob Chapman - James Corbett Interview - Nov. 21, 2011

Bob Chapman : Europe is China's biggest customer , US is second , we are going to see a break down eventually in the Eurozone , the solvent countries of the Eurozone are going to tell the PIIGS countries you are on your own , they cannot bail them out because the amount of money needed to keep them going sideways are between 4 and 6 trillion dollars , they just cannot do that without destroying their own economies ,

Arti Tahi Lalat Di Tubuh Anda

Mungkin tahi lalat bagi sebagian orang adalah hal yang biasa, namun tidak tahukah anda bahwa ada sebuah keyakinan yang bisa didasarkan pada letak tahi lalat yang ada disekujur tubuh anda. Arti tahi lalat di tubuh tersebut diyakini merupakan bagian dari sifat, karakter maupun kepribadian yang bisa digambarkan. Hal ini mungkin hampir sama dengan astrologi china yang menunjukkan apa yang bisa dilihat dari seorang manusia. Tahi lalat yang umumnya lebih dari satu tersebut diyakini mampu mencerminkan gambaran dari sang empunya. Dan kini waktunya anda untuk melihat dimana saja letak tahi lalat anda dan membaca apa arti tahi lalat di bagian tubuh tersebut

Yang patut diingat ketika anda melihat gambaran ini adalah bahwa ini semua hanyalah sebuah arti umum yang tidak bisa menggambarkan seseorang secara mendetail. Dan jika ada bagian tubuh lain dan terdapat tahi lalat yang anda tahu apa arti dan maknanya, silahkan untuk menambahkannya di kotak komentar yang telah tersedia agar bisa dibaca oleh pengunjung yang lain

1. Tahi Lalat di Ujung Mata Kanan/Kiri = Dapat Dipercaya tapi Pendiam
2. Tahi Lalat di Pangkal Hidung = Pandai dan Baik Hati
3. Tahi Lalat di Alis Kanan = Suka Menolong
4. Tahi Lalat di Alis Kiri = Dicintai Banyak Orang
5. Tahi Lalat di Hidung = Banyak Rezeki
6. Tahi Lalat di Hidung Bawah = Pandai Bicara, Banyak rezeki
7. Tahi Lalat di Bibir Atas = Cerdas, Banyak Rezeki
8. Tahi Lalat di Bibir Bawah = Baik Hati
9. Tahi Lalat di Pipi Kanan/Kiri = Dermawan
10. Tahi Lalat di Pipi Tengah = Disukai
11. Tahi Lalat di Ujung Mulut = Pandai Bicara
12. Tahi Lalat di Dagu = Pandai Bicara dan Jujur
13. Tahi Lalat di Telinga Kanan = Keras dan Gampang Emosi
14. Tahi Lalat di Telinga Kiri = Pintar dan Jujur
15. Tahi Lalat di Leher Bagian Depan = Bijaksana
16. Tahi Lalat di Leher Bagian Belakang = Kecil Hati, mudah Putus asa
17. Tahi Lalat di Bahu Kanan = Pendiriannya Teguh
18. Tahi Lalat di Bahu Kiri = Pikirannya Selalu Ruwet
19. Tahi Lalat di Buah Dada Kanan/Kiri = Nafsunya Besar
20. Tahi Lalat di Antara Buah Dada = Baik Hati
21. Tahi Lalat di Punggung = Dapat di Percaya
22. Tahi Lalat di tengah Perut (sekitar Pusar) = Dapat di Percaya
23. Tahi Lalat di Pinggang = Jujur dan Tabah
24. Tahi Lalat di Pantat = Sering Menderita
25. Tahi Lalat di Pangkal Paha = Tangkas dan Banyak Rezeki
26. Tahi Lalat di Daerah Kemaluan = Nafsu Besar
27. Tahi Lalat di Lutut Depan = Kuat Berjalan
28. Tahi Lalat di Lutut Sebelah Dalam (Lipatan/belakang lutut) = Hatinya Tidak Tetap
29. Tahi Lalat di Betis = Dapat di Percaya
30. Tahi Lalat di Tulang Kaki Kanan (Tulang Kering) = Pemboros
31. Tahi Lalat di Tulang Kaki Kiri = Pemberani
32. Tahi Lalat di Pergelangan Kaki = Kuat Berjalan
33. Tahi Lalat di Tumit = Tidak dapat di Percaya
34. Tahi Lalat di Jari-Jari Kaki = Suka Bekerja
35. Tahi Lalat di Lengan Kanan/Kiri = Suka Bekerja
36. Tahi Lalat di Telapak Kaki = Baik Hati
37. Tahi Lalat di Telapak Tangan Kanan = Pandai Menyimpan Harta
38. Tahi Lalat di Telapak Tangan Kiri = Pemboros
39. Tahi Lalat di Telapak Belakang = Kuat Kaya
40. Tahi Lalat di Ujung Siku = Baik Hati
41. Tahi lalat di Siku Bagian dalam = Selalu Tabah
42. Tahi Lalat di jari-jari Tangan = Banyak Rezeki
43. Tahi Lalat di Pergelangan Tangan = Pemboros
44. Tahi Lalat di Ubun – Ubun = Tamak akan harta benda, Jahat, dan Jahil
45. Tahi Lalat di Unyeng – Unyeng (Puser di kepala)= Pendiam tapi Banyak Akal dan Cerdas
46. Tahi Lalat di Kepala Bagian Belakang = Dapat di Percaya, Pemberani, dan Sabar
47. Tahi Lalat di Kepala Sebelah Kiri = Wataknya Buruk
48. Tahi Lalat di Dahi Kanan atau Kiri = Kepribadiannya Jelek
49. Tahi Lalat di Tengah- Tengah Dahi (Jidat) = Pandai dan Baik Hati
50. Tahi Lalat di Pelipis Kanan/Kiri = Banyak Rezeki

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival 21 Nov 2011

Bob Chapman : what we are seeing here is a coordinated effort not only to knock down gold and silver but also oil , and most of it pertains to MF Global , the law suits have start some already start getting their money back ...Moody's threatens to degrade France credit rating , the socialists lost in Spain to the PP the Popular Party which many believe has still some fascist elements in it ...

Bob Chapman on the New American Base in Australia

Bob Chapman elaborates on the new american base in Australia that just has been announced by Obama during his recent visit to Australia : 2500 of the best marines in the world , to tell China we are ready to engage in and if they screw with us's only a token ..what's that four companies ? I mean that's nothing says Bob Chapman ,'re dealing with insane people in Washington...."

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rahasia Facebook Bertema Biru Putih

Mungkin anda bertanya-tanya mengapa halaman Facebook dari dulu sampai sekarang selalu dipenuhi dengan warna biru?
Tahukah asal mula kenapa halaman facebook itu berwarna biru? karena Pendiri Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg ternyata buta warna. Itu yang menyebabkan halaman dipenuhi oleh warna biru dan tidak pernah berubah sampai saat ini.

Tak ada warna merah, atau kuning. Ada warna hijau,

Rahasia Facebook Bertema Biru Putih

Mungkin anda bertanya-tanya mengapa halaman Facebook dari dulu sampai sekarang selalu dipenuhi dengan warna biru?
Tahukah asal mula kenapa halaman facebook itu berwarna biru? karena Pendiri Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg ternyata buta warna. Itu yang menyebabkan halaman dipenuhi oleh warna biru dan tidak pernah berubah sampai saat ini.

Tak ada warna merah, atau kuning. Ada warna hijau,

Persiapan Pernikahan Putra Presiden RI

Tamu Pernikahan Aliya-Ibas Dilarang Bawa Kado - Pernikahan Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono dan Siti Ruby Aliya Rajasa tinggal menghitung hari. Segala persiapan pernikahan sudah 75 persen selesai, termasuk menyebar surat undangan. Dicetak dengan huruf timbul berwarna emas dengan logo A dan I, undangan yang didominasi warna putih pucat itu juga mencantumkan catatan menarik.

“Terima kasih untuk tidak

Persiapan Pernikahan Putra Presiden RI

Tamu Pernikahan Aliya-Ibas Dilarang Bawa Kado - Pernikahan Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono dan Siti Ruby Aliya Rajasa tinggal menghitung hari. Segala persiapan pernikahan sudah 75 persen selesai, termasuk menyebar surat undangan. Dicetak dengan huruf timbul berwarna emas dengan logo A dan I, undangan yang didominasi warna putih pucat itu juga mencantumkan catatan menarik.

“Terima kasih untuk tidak

Bob Chapman on the MF Global failure

Bob Chapman on The Money & Wealth Show. - 11 Nov 2011 : Corzine, CFTC Get It Wrong , Corzine is connected to Wall street he was a former CEO of Goldman Sachs along with Paulson but he close to JP Morgan as well , Bob Chapman thinks this was set up they wanted to take it down there is between several hundreds of millions and 1.2 trillion dollars missing they cannot come up with that money , they destroyed the company ....

Bob Chapman - Erskine Overnight - November 19, 2011

Bob Chapman : in Germany Merkel is pushing towards what one may call desovereignation of the countries that are left within the Eurozone they want to hand over the operations of each country fiscally to the IMF and ECB , these countries are all going to lose their sovereignty , the situation is dreadful and they still playing politics , they all are going to collapse eventually ,

Waduh, Bintang Porno Dirikan Klub Sepakbola (Inter Praha)

Klarisa Leone adalah nama yang tak asing lagi. Bintang porno, film-film panas asal Republik Ceko itu pun bangga dengan ketenaran dirinya itu.

Tapi Klarisa Leone tak ingin stagnan di satu bidang saja. Wanita cantik berusia 32 tahun itu juga ingin menjajal peruntungannya di bidang lain.

Tak tanggung-tanggung, bidang yang dibidiknya adalah dunia sepakbola. Klarisa Leone menyatakan keinginan untuk

Waduh, Bintang Porno Dirikan Klub Sepakbola (Inter Praha)

Klarisa Leone adalah nama yang tak asing lagi. Bintang porno, film-film panas asal Republik Ceko itu pun bangga dengan ketenaran dirinya itu.

Tapi Klarisa Leone tak ingin stagnan di satu bidang saja. Wanita cantik berusia 32 tahun itu juga ingin menjajal peruntungannya di bidang lain.

Tak tanggung-tanggung, bidang yang dibidiknya adalah dunia sepakbola. Klarisa Leone menyatakan keinginan untuk

Awas, Air Mineral Bisa Rusak Radiator

Mengisi air radiator kelihatannya adalah persoalan sangat sederhana. Tetapi jika Anda salah memilih air, bisa-bisa mengganggu sistem pendingin mobil, yang bisa berakibat fatal pada mesin. Jika Anda bertanya ke bengkel, jenis air apa yang bagus untuk radiator, pasti banyak jawbannya. Ada yang menyebutkan air mineral, air coolant, air buangan AC dan sebagainya. Sebenarnya, air apakah yang paling

Awas, Air Mineral Bisa Rusak Radiator

Mengisi air radiator kelihatannya adalah persoalan sangat sederhana. Tetapi jika Anda salah memilih air, bisa-bisa mengganggu sistem pendingin mobil, yang bisa berakibat fatal pada mesin. Jika Anda bertanya ke bengkel, jenis air apa yang bagus untuk radiator, pasti banyak jawbannya. Ada yang menyebutkan air mineral, air coolant, air buangan AC dan sebagainya. Sebenarnya, air apakah yang paling

18 Manfaat pete bagi Kesehatan

Manfaat pete bagi Kesehatan - Anda semua pasti mengenal bahwa Petai (Pete) sebagai buah yang membuat bau mulut dan bau sangat tidak sedap. Tapi mungkin banyak diantara anda tidak mengetahui bahwa pete mengandung 3 macam gula alami yaitu sukrosa, fruktosa dan glukosa yang dikombinasikan dengan serat.

Kombinasi kandungan ini mampu memberikan dorongan tenaga yang instan, namun cukup lama dan cukup

18 Manfaat pete bagi Kesehatan

Manfaat pete bagi Kesehatan - Anda semua pasti mengenal bahwa Petai (Pete) sebagai buah yang membuat bau mulut dan bau sangat tidak sedap. Tapi mungkin banyak diantara anda tidak mengetahui bahwa pete mengandung 3 macam gula alami yaitu sukrosa, fruktosa dan glukosa yang dikombinasikan dengan serat.

Kombinasi kandungan ini mampu memberikan dorongan tenaga yang instan, namun cukup lama dan cukup

Rahasia dibalik kekuatan Popeye

Apa yang membuat tokoh kartun Popeye jadi begitu kuat ketika menghadapi musuhnya Bruto? Tentu semua menjawab bayam. Tidak heran jika Popeye mengandalkan bayam untuk menambah kekuatannya karena sayuran yang berasal dari kawasan Tropis Amerika ini memang mengandung banyak zat gizi.
Bayam adalah salah satu sayuran mentah yang paling padat gizi dan sangat baik sebagai sumber zat hijau atau

Rahasia dibalik kekuatan Popeye

Apa yang membuat tokoh kartun Popeye jadi begitu kuat ketika menghadapi musuhnya Bruto? Tentu semua menjawab bayam. Tidak heran jika Popeye mengandalkan bayam untuk menambah kekuatannya karena sayuran yang berasal dari kawasan Tropis Amerika ini memang mengandung banyak zat gizi.
Bayam adalah salah satu sayuran mentah yang paling padat gizi dan sangat baik sebagai sumber zat hijau atau

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Awas!! Mayoritas Obat yang Dijual Online Palsu

Anda pasti terkejut bila saya katakan kalau 50% obat yang diperdagangkan melalui internet adalah obat palsu. Sasarannya terutama negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. 
Sungguh! Ini diungkapkan langsung oleh World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) pada acara Regional Workshop on the Dangers of Counterfeit Goods to Public Health di Manila, Filipina. WIPO hanya mengingatkan kita para konsumen

Awas!! Mayoritas Obat yang Dijual Online Palsu

Anda pasti terkejut bila saya katakan kalau 50% obat yang diperdagangkan melalui internet adalah obat palsu. Sasarannya terutama negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. 
Sungguh! Ini diungkapkan langsung oleh World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) pada acara Regional Workshop on the Dangers of Counterfeit Goods to Public Health di Manila, Filipina. WIPO hanya mengingatkan kita para konsumen

Bob Chapman on the MF Global debacle

Bob Chapman on the MF Global debacle : Bob Chapman reveals that he is getting over a thousand emails a day regarding what happened to Gerald Celente with MF Global , commodity account is done by contracts , the contract is not worth the paper it is written on says bob Chapman , and the reason for that is that COMEX likes to screw everybody it's as simple as that he added , and the CME which owns the COMEX likes to do the same thing , and they change the rules all the time , and so you have no protection in the commodity market whatsoever and anybody in there should know that ... I have told people for years never to use margins under any circumstances , well some people do and unfortunatly sometimes they'll regret it .....

Prediksi Indonesia vs Malaysia Final SEA Games 2011

Prediksi mengenai pertandingan Indonesia vs Malaysia 21 November 2011. Kemenangan 1-0 atas Vietnam, Sabtu 20 November, merupakan kemenangan ke empat dalam tiga pertandingan di Sea Games 2011. Indonesia pun masuk final cabang sepak bola Sea Games 2011
Indonesia pun punya kesempatan untuk menyempurnakan penampilan mereka ketika menghadapi Malaysia di Final Sea Games 2011, di Stadion Utama Gelora

Prediksi Indonesia vs Malaysia Final SEA Games 2011

Prediksi mengenai pertandingan Indonesia vs Malaysia 21 November 2011. Kemenangan 1-0 atas Vietnam, Sabtu 20 November, merupakan kemenangan ke empat dalam tiga pertandingan di Sea Games 2011. Indonesia pun masuk final cabang sepak bola Sea Games 2011
Indonesia pun punya kesempatan untuk menyempurnakan penampilan mereka ketika menghadapi Malaysia di Final Sea Games 2011, di Stadion Utama Gelora

Inilah Cara Facebook Melacak Aktivitas Anda dari Websitenya

Untuk pertama kalinya Facebook membongkar detail bagaimana situs pertemanan sosial terbesar di dunia maya itu melacak para penggunanya di seluruh dunia. Demikian dilansir Sydney Morning Herald

Berdasarkan hasil wawancara Direktur Teknisi Facebook Arturo Bejar, juru bicara Facebook Andrew Noyes, juru bicara korporasi Facebook Barry Schnitt, dan manajer teknisi Facebook Gregg Stefancik, berhasil

Inilah Cara Facebook Melacak Aktivitas Anda dari Websitenya

Untuk pertama kalinya Facebook membongkar detail bagaimana situs pertemanan sosial terbesar di dunia maya itu melacak para penggunanya di seluruh dunia. Demikian dilansir Sydney Morning Herald

Berdasarkan hasil wawancara Direktur Teknisi Facebook Arturo Bejar, juru bicara Facebook Andrew Noyes, juru bicara korporasi Facebook Barry Schnitt, dan manajer teknisi Facebook Gregg Stefancik, berhasil

Kota Misterius Di China

Ada sebuah tempat misterius di cina yaitu moguicheng. tempat ini begitu angker dan menakutkan. Banyak sekali kejadian mistis yang belum terpecahkan sampai sekarang.

Orang – orang setempat menyebutnya Moguicheng yang artinya kota Iblis. Moguicheng, yang merupakan padang pasir terletak di provinsi Xinjian Cina. Daerah ini merupakan daerah yang terbengkalai, tak ada satupun orang yang tinggal

Kota Misterius Di China

Ada sebuah tempat misterius di cina yaitu moguicheng. tempat ini begitu angker dan menakutkan. Banyak sekali kejadian mistis yang belum terpecahkan sampai sekarang.

Orang – orang setempat menyebutnya Moguicheng yang artinya kota Iblis. Moguicheng, yang merupakan padang pasir terletak di provinsi Xinjian Cina. Daerah ini merupakan daerah yang terbengkalai, tak ada satupun orang yang tinggal

Misteri Boneka Okiku

Misteri dibalik boneka Okiku. Okiku ini menginspirasikan banyak film horor di Jepang. Boneka ini memang bikin heran dan merinding warga jepang. Pasalnya Okiku punya rambut yang bisa tumbuh bahkan terus memanjang walaupun sudah di potong.

Boneka ini benar-benar di luar nalar. Seorang peneliti jepang mengungkapkan bahwa dari hasil uji forensik rambut yang ditumbuhkan boneka ini sama persis dengan

Misteri Boneka Okiku

Misteri dibalik boneka Okiku. Okiku ini menginspirasikan banyak film horor di Jepang. Boneka ini memang bikin heran dan merinding warga jepang. Pasalnya Okiku punya rambut yang bisa tumbuh bahkan terus memanjang walaupun sudah di potong.

Boneka ini benar-benar di luar nalar. Seorang peneliti jepang mengungkapkan bahwa dari hasil uji forensik rambut yang ditumbuhkan boneka ini sama persis dengan

live streaming Indonesia vs Malaysia Final Sea Games 2011

RCTI adalah tv nasional menyiarkan sepak bola sea games 2011. pada Senin, 21 November 2011 pertandingan  Indonesia VS Malaysia. Sobat tidak salah masuk di blog ini karena di sini tersedia informasi yang menyiarkan langsung pertandingan timnas U-23 indonesia vs Timnas u-23 Malaysia

jangan lupa juga di sini juga akan di siarkan babak Final. Live streaming Final Indonesia vs Malaysia sea games 2011

live streaming Indonesia vs Malaysia Final Sea Games 2011

RCTI adalah tv nasional menyiarkan sepak bola sea games 2011. pada Senin, 21 November 2011 pertandingan  Indonesia VS Malaysia. Sobat tidak salah masuk di blog ini karena di sini tersedia informasi yang menyiarkan langsung pertandingan timnas U-23 indonesia vs Timnas u-23 Malaysia

jangan lupa juga di sini juga akan di siarkan babak Final. Live streaming Final Indonesia vs Malaysia sea games 2011

Dendam Membara Indonesia vs Malaysia dalam Final Sea Games

Setelah bermain imbang di babak pertama, Indonesia akhirnya berhasil unggul 1-0 lewat gol Patrich Wanggai pada menit 61. Tendangan bebas mendatar Patrich sukses menjebol gawang Vietnam. Sejak awal babak kedua, Indonesia dan Vietnam langsung berbalas serangan. Indonesia membuka peluang di babak kedua lewat sepakan Titus Bonai di menit 47 setelah sukses melewati dua bek Vietnam. Sayangnya, bola

Dendam Membara Indonesia vs Malaysia dalam Final Sea Games

Setelah bermain imbang di babak pertama, Indonesia akhirnya berhasil unggul 1-0 lewat gol Patrich Wanggai pada menit 61. Tendangan bebas mendatar Patrich sukses menjebol gawang Vietnam. Sejak awal babak kedua, Indonesia dan Vietnam langsung berbalas serangan. Indonesia membuka peluang di babak kedua lewat sepakan Titus Bonai di menit 47 setelah sukses melewati dua bek Vietnam. Sayangnya, bola

Bob Chapman - Liberty Talk Radio Show - Nov 11, 2011

Bob Chapman - The people behind the one world government will be without power , the EU is an unnatural association , you cannot put people who anthropologically culturally that do not belong together , it does not work

Komentar Bambang Pamungkas untuk Timnas U-23

Kapten tim nasional senior sepak bola, Bambang Pamungkas, yang akrab disapa Bepe, memuji perjuangan timnas U-23 yang telah lolos sampai ke babak semifinal SEA Games XXVI tahun 2011. Menurut Bepe, timnas "Garuda Muda" telah mampu membawa kebanggaan bagi masyarakat Indonesia sampai sejauh ini.

"Semangat timnas U-23 memang luar biasa. Selain mampu lolos ke semifinal juga mampu mengembalikan euforia

Komentar Bambang Pamungkas untuk Timnas U-23

Kapten tim nasional senior sepak bola, Bambang Pamungkas, yang akrab disapa Bepe, memuji perjuangan timnas U-23 yang telah lolos sampai ke babak semifinal SEA Games XXVI tahun 2011. Menurut Bepe, timnas "Garuda Muda" telah mampu membawa kebanggaan bagi masyarakat Indonesia sampai sejauh ini.

"Semangat timnas U-23 memang luar biasa. Selain mampu lolos ke semifinal juga mampu mengembalikan euforia

Friday, November 18, 2011

Negara Yg Berpeluang Juara Umum SEA Games 2011

Indonesia terus menambah perolehan pundi-pundi medali emas di ajang SEA Games ke-26 yang digelar di Palembang dan Jakarta.
Perolehan medali oleh Indonesia kian tak terkejar oleh 10 negara pesera SEA Games lainnya.

Hingga Sabtu 19 November pagi ini, Indonesia meraih 124 emas, 91 perak dan 85 perunggu. Jika medali emas terus bertambah, bukan tidak mungkin Indonesia bisa meraih juara umum.

Negara Yg Berpeluang Juara Umum SEA Games 2011

Indonesia terus menambah perolehan pundi-pundi medali emas di ajang SEA Games ke-26 yang digelar di Palembang dan Jakarta.
Perolehan medali oleh Indonesia kian tak terkejar oleh 10 negara pesera SEA Games lainnya.

Hingga Sabtu 19 November pagi ini, Indonesia meraih 124 emas, 91 perak dan 85 perunggu. Jika medali emas terus bertambah, bukan tidak mungkin Indonesia bisa meraih juara umum.

12 Tipe Perempuan Lajang

Setiap orang pasti memiliki pemikiran dan impian-impian tentang suatu hubungan yang bahagia. Michelle Cove, seorang penulis, melakukan penelitian dengan mewawancarai lebih dari 100 perempuan.

Dia mencoba menentukan apa saja yang menjadi keinginan dan mimpi dari para perempuan lajang tentang suatu hubungan. Setelah mewawancarai para peremuan tersebut, Cove menyimpulkan semua keinginan dan impian

12 Tipe Perempuan Lajang

Setiap orang pasti memiliki pemikiran dan impian-impian tentang suatu hubungan yang bahagia. Michelle Cove, seorang penulis, melakukan penelitian dengan mewawancarai lebih dari 100 perempuan.

Dia mencoba menentukan apa saja yang menjadi keinginan dan mimpi dari para perempuan lajang tentang suatu hubungan. Setelah mewawancarai para peremuan tersebut, Cove menyimpulkan semua keinginan dan impian

Makna 4 Jenis Boneka Kesukaan Cewek

Kalo anda mau ngasih boneka ke cewe atau mau ngasih ke cowo,sebaiknya anda tahu makna apa saja yang ada di balik boneka itu. kali ini akan sedikit memberi info soal arti dari beberapa boneka dalam bentuk binatang.
Makna Jenis Boneka KesukaanBoneka beruang
Beruang itu adalah binatang liar yang amat sangat penyayang. Kado boneka beruang ini cocok banget buat para pasangan yang sering berantem.

Makna 4 Jenis Boneka Kesukaan Cewek

Kalo anda mau ngasih boneka ke cewe atau mau ngasih ke cowo,sebaiknya anda tahu makna apa saja yang ada di balik boneka itu. kali ini akan sedikit memberi info soal arti dari beberapa boneka dalam bentuk binatang.
Makna Jenis Boneka KesukaanBoneka beruang
Beruang itu adalah binatang liar yang amat sangat penyayang. Kado boneka beruang ini cocok banget buat para pasangan yang sering berantem.

Bob Chapman : Sarkozy takes his orders from The FED

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival 18 Nov 2011 , they are reaching the panic state in Europe they do not know what to do , and the Germans want to do one thing the french another the british another and it just goes around and around , Sarkozy is taking his orders from the Federal Reserve and the US treasury and that' what reflects what he has to say , they are not close to a solution in a light year ...this is what happens when you have the bankers paying the politicians

Prakiraan Pemain Antara Timnas U23 Indonesia dan Vietnam

Pelatih Timnas U-23 Indonesia Rahmad Darmawan menilai Vietnam adalah lawan yang tangguh. RD mengaku belum melihat penampilan Vietnam secara utuh. Untuk itu, ia akan melihat beberapa rekaman pertandingan Vietnam selama bertanding di Grup B.

”Vietnam adalah tim yang agresif dalam menyerang. Mereka memiliki dua pemain sayap yang punya kecepatan. Dua penyerang mereka memiliki pergerakan yang bagus

Prakiraan Pemain Antara Timnas U23 Indonesia dan Vietnam

Pelatih Timnas U-23 Indonesia Rahmad Darmawan menilai Vietnam adalah lawan yang tangguh. RD mengaku belum melihat penampilan Vietnam secara utuh. Untuk itu, ia akan melihat beberapa rekaman pertandingan Vietnam selama bertanding di Grup B.

”Vietnam adalah tim yang agresif dalam menyerang. Mereka memiliki dua pemain sayap yang punya kecepatan. Dua penyerang mereka memiliki pergerakan yang bagus

Kekuatan Penuh Timnas U-23 Indonesia Untuk Lawan Vietnam

Timnas U-23 Indonesia dipastikan turun dengan kekuatan penuh, pada pertandingan semifinal SEA Games 2011 melawan Vietnam, di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta, Sabtu 19 November 2011.

Asisten pelatih timnas Aji Santoso di Jakarta, Jumat (18/11), mengatakan semua pemain saat ini dalam kondisi fit, meski pada Kamis (17/11) baru saja turun saat kalah melawan Malaysia.

"Semuanya siap

Kekuatan Penuh Timnas U-23 Indonesia Untuk Lawan Vietnam

Timnas U-23 Indonesia dipastikan turun dengan kekuatan penuh, pada pertandingan semifinal SEA Games 2011 melawan Vietnam, di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta, Sabtu 19 November 2011.

Asisten pelatih timnas Aji Santoso di Jakarta, Jumat (18/11), mengatakan semua pemain saat ini dalam kondisi fit, meski pada Kamis (17/11) baru saja turun saat kalah melawan Malaysia.

"Semuanya siap

Bob Chapman - A Marine Disquisition - 17 Nov 2011

Bob Chapman : Europe's crisis could take down the whole world's financial structure , the situation is so fluid that it changes everyday , 6 nations are in trouble which now includes Italy and Spain will follow , the solvent nations will cut lose the PIIGS nations because they cannot bail them out , they figured out they better take the loses ....

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wow, Izzhy Putuskan Pacar Demi Perawan Dewi Perssik

Izzhy Putuskan Pacar Demi Perawan Dewi Persik - Sesungguhan Izzhy untuk menikah dengan Dewi Perssik ternyata sungguh-sungguh. Dia bahkan memutuskan pacarnya demi sang pujaan hati. Bahkan secara terus terang dia menyatakan lebih memilih janda ketimbang perawan ting-ting, meski Dewi telah melakukan operasi perawan di Mesir beberapa waktu lalu. “Jadi dia ini mutusin pacarnya demi aku.

Di bb-nya

Wow, Izzhy Putuskan Pacar Demi Perawan Dewi Perssik

Izzhy Putuskan Pacar Demi Perawan Dewi Persik - Sesungguhan Izzhy untuk menikah dengan Dewi Perssik ternyata sungguh-sungguh. Dia bahkan memutuskan pacarnya demi sang pujaan hati. Bahkan secara terus terang dia menyatakan lebih memilih janda ketimbang perawan ting-ting, meski Dewi telah melakukan operasi perawan di Mesir beberapa waktu lalu. “Jadi dia ini mutusin pacarnya demi aku.

Di bb-nya

Inilah Manfaat Tempe Untuk Kecantikan

Manfaat Tempe Untuk Kecantikan - Makanan-makanan yang kita asup sehari-hari akan berpengaruh terhadap tampilan kulit. Karenanya, jangan lupakan asupan makanan-makanan yang bisa membantu kulit Anda tampil lebih berseri-seri, seperti makanan-makanan berikut ini:  Kedelai Sebuah studi menyatakan bahwa kerut-kerut tipis pada wanita yang mengonsumsi makanan yang mengandung isoflavon dari kedelai,

Inilah Manfaat Tempe Untuk Kecantikan

Manfaat Tempe Untuk Kecantikan - Makanan-makanan yang kita asup sehari-hari akan berpengaruh terhadap tampilan kulit. Karenanya, jangan lupakan asupan makanan-makanan yang bisa membantu kulit Anda tampil lebih berseri-seri, seperti makanan-makanan berikut ini:  Kedelai Sebuah studi menyatakan bahwa kerut-kerut tipis pada wanita yang mengonsumsi makanan yang mengandung isoflavon dari kedelai,

Bob Chapman : France to be downgraded to AAA-

Bob Chapman : Freedom Files Radio - 11/17/2011

Bob Chapman : France has a good chance to be downgraded to AAA- and if the happens there is no way even if they want to that France could help to bailout the PIIGS , so the whole problem was dumped on the back of the Germans and the Dutch and the Finns they are the three more solid countries

Wacana Timnas U23 Lawan LA Galaxy

Patrich Wanggai dan kawan-kawan yang tergabung dalam tim sepak bola nasional (timnas) U-23 bakal menguji ketajaman David Beckham dan LA Galaxy di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, akhir bulan ini. Selain Beckham, bintang-bintang LA Galaxy lainnya, seperti Landon Donovan dan Robbie Keane, juga dipastikan akan hadir.
"Timnas SEA Games ini menjadi magnet bagi publik sehingga kenapa tidak

Wacana Timnas U23 Lawan LA Galaxy

Patrich Wanggai dan kawan-kawan yang tergabung dalam tim sepak bola nasional (timnas) U-23 bakal menguji ketajaman David Beckham dan LA Galaxy di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, akhir bulan ini. Selain Beckham, bintang-bintang LA Galaxy lainnya, seperti Landon Donovan dan Robbie Keane, juga dipastikan akan hadir.
"Timnas SEA Games ini menjadi magnet bagi publik sehingga kenapa tidak


Bob Chapman : Italy needs 2.5 trillion , both the new Italian and Greek prime ministers are Bilderbergers , all politicians take their orders from the Banks

Bob Chapman : America that you know is gone

Bob Chapman's Future Warning For USA Its Over Understand , Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster warning us of what is to come our way.....America's, and all western societies', problems are more endemic .The people are spiritually weak. We're more interested in instant gratification and owning all kinds of Stuff. The founders of America were racist slave owners and yet we have more moral bankruptcy than them. Pathetic.And no, I don't mean a christian spiritual connection. I mean knowing yourself and your life having a higher purpose than accumulating Stuff and pursuing envy of others.

Mr. Chapman is 76 years old. He was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He speaks German and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada and a year in the Bahamas.Mr. Chapman became a stockbroker in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own brokerage firm. He was probably the largest gold and silver stockbroker in the world during that period. When he retired he had over 6,000 clients.From 1962 through 1976 he specialized in South African gold shares. He and his family lived in Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe) and Johannesburg, South Africa from 1970 to 1973. During that time he did a great deal of further study into the South African mining industry.Mr. Chapman belonged to The Traders Association for 25 years. He did all his own trading. During his South African years some was done directly through Johannesburg, but 95% was done through London brokerage firms. Hence, he has extensive contacts, both in London and on the Continent.Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200 publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had 30,000 subscribers. He currently is owner and editor of The International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly directly, and parts of his publication are picked up by 60 different websites weekly exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week.In 1976, after the Soweto riots, Mr. Chapman began buying North American shares exclusively for his clients. Up to that point only a handful of American and Canadian issues interested him, due to the high dividends the South African shares had paid out over the years. Between 1976 and 1988 his business surged from 1,000 to 6,000 clients, so the bulk of his business ended up being Vancouver Stock Exchange issues. For this reason he is very conversant with the quality of management, geologists, properties and traders on today's North American scene. He is well known.From 1976 to present he has spoke and given workshops at over 200 business conferences worldwide, and has been on radio and TV hundreds of times. Until his retirement he was always judged by the attendees to be one of the top three speakers and never once was lower than first in workshops due to his vast knowledge of the mining business and his grasp of worldwide financial markets and political scenes.In June of 1991, at the request of business associates, and due to retirement boredom, he began writing the International Forecaster.

Prediksi sepak bola Indonesia vs Vietnam

Prediksi mengenai pertandingan Indonesia vs Vietnam pada hari Sabtu 19 November 2011 pukul 19.00 WIB dan disiarkan langsung di RCTI.
Kemenangan 3-1 atas Thailand, Minggu (13/11/2011) malam WIB, merupakan kemenangan ketiga dalam tiga pertandingan di Grup A.
Kendati kalah dari Malaysia dengan skor tipis 0-1, timnas U-23 Indonesia tetap tampil di laga semifinal cabang sepakbola SEA Games ke-26.

Prediksi sepak bola Indonesia vs Vietnam

Prediksi mengenai pertandingan Indonesia vs Vietnam pada hari Sabtu 19 November 2011 pukul 19.00 WIB dan disiarkan langsung di RCTI.
Kemenangan 3-1 atas Thailand, Minggu (13/11/2011) malam WIB, merupakan kemenangan ketiga dalam tiga pertandingan di Grup A.
Kendati kalah dari Malaysia dengan skor tipis 0-1, timnas U-23 Indonesia tetap tampil di laga semifinal cabang sepakbola SEA Games ke-26.

Timnas U23 Lawan Vietnam di Semifinal

Kendati kalah dari Malaysia dengan skor tipis 0-1, timnas U-23 Indonesia tetap tampil di laga semifinal cabang sepakbola SEA Games ke-26. Kekalahan atas Malaysia hanya menggusur Garuda Muda selaku jawara grup A SEA Games 2011 ke posisi kedua.

Saat ini Indonesia mengantongi sembilan poin setelah sebelumnya selalu meraih kemenangan di tiga pertandingan. Sementara Malaysia menjuarai klasemen grup A

Timnas U23 Lawan Vietnam di Semifinal

Kendati kalah dari Malaysia dengan skor tipis 0-1, timnas U-23 Indonesia tetap tampil di laga semifinal cabang sepakbola SEA Games ke-26. Kekalahan atas Malaysia hanya menggusur Garuda Muda selaku jawara grup A SEA Games 2011 ke posisi kedua.

Saat ini Indonesia mengantongi sembilan poin setelah sebelumnya selalu meraih kemenangan di tiga pertandingan. Sementara Malaysia menjuarai klasemen grup A

Kasihan Dech Pelatih Malaysia Di usir wasit

Unggul satu gol, Malaysia harus kehilangan pelatih Ong Kim Swee di babak kedua. Pada menit ke-69, wasit asal Uni Emirat Arab Fahad Al Kassar mengusir Pelatih Ong Kim Swee lantaran memprotes pelanggaran keras yang dilakoni Ferdinand Sinaga terhadap Ibrahim Syahrul Azwari. Atas hal ini, Pelatih Ong Kim Swee hanya mendampingi Malaysia dari bangku penonton.

Pelatih Sepakbola Malaysia Ong Kim Swee

Kasihan Dech Pelatih Malaysia Di usir wasit

Unggul satu gol, Malaysia harus kehilangan pelatih Ong Kim Swee di babak kedua. Pada menit ke-69, wasit asal Uni Emirat Arab Fahad Al Kassar mengusir Pelatih Ong Kim Swee lantaran memprotes pelanggaran keras yang dilakoni Ferdinand Sinaga terhadap Ibrahim Syahrul Azwari. Atas hal ini, Pelatih Ong Kim Swee hanya mendampingi Malaysia dari bangku penonton.

Pelatih Sepakbola Malaysia Ong Kim Swee